Friday, November 26, 2010

Month-to-Month Garden To Do List

Here is a year month-to-month garden to do list that we have come up with. It is important to look up and understand what your planting zone.   Check out the National Gardening Associations Planting Zone website, it can be very helpful in understanding what to plant and where.  Every planting zone should be looked at before you start to plant.

You'll notice the roses on the list.  The story behind this is that we went on a field trip to a Rose Garden and the children in the classroom enjoyed it so much that they wanted to plant roses like the garden they visited.

Garden To Do:
January-          Weed (Families)
                        Clean up beds around roses, remove all old leaves on roses (Families)
                        Roses: Fertilize with environmentally safe  (Parent or Teacher)

Feburary-         Prune:  (Early) fruit trees, grape vine (end of month) roses, clematis cut for forcing: Lilac, quince (Late Feb)-(Families)
                        Divide and transplant asparagus (Families)
                        Plant new trees (Families)
                        Plant for starts: Broccoli, Cabbage, Lettuce, Spinach, and Cauliflower
                        Mid to end of month: peas (soil 45-50 degrees), spinach, radishes, and flowers seeds (breadseed poppies, alyssum)-(Families)
March-            Make Garden Map (Teacher & Families)
                        Cut cover crop: compost tops, chop roots (do not dig in until soil fairly dry) (Teacher & Families)
                        March 1 Fertilize roses (Rose food, Epson salts, alfalfa), spray- (Parents & Teachers)
                        March 15 Fish oil on roses, spray- (Teacher & Families)
                        Plant: Broccoli starts & seeds, cabbage starts, lettuce, spinach, potatoes, dahlias. (Teachers & Families)

April-               Plant: cauliflower, carrots, impatiens, beets, radishes, scallions, more spinach (summer varieties), lettuce, chard, sunflowers (thin volunteers)
                        Roses: 1st spray for black spot, 15th fertilize- (Teacher & Families)
                        Plant new berry bushes

May-                Plant: more carrots, lettuce, beets, radishes, and chard
May 15th-        Plant: seeds of beans, summer and winter squash, pumpkins, corn, cucumbers, annual flowers (Teacher & Families)
                        Starts of cucumbers, tomatoes, basil (protect with mild jug warmers)
                        Roses: 1st fish oil spray            15th: Fish oil spray (Teacher & Parents)

June-               Plant: starts of peppers, melons, eggplant (protect with covers or milk jugs) (Teacher & Families)
                        Seeds: more sunflowers, more beans (Teacher & Families)
                        Harvest; (Teacher & Families)
                        Roses: 1st fertilize spray            15th: Fish oil spray (Teachers & Parents)

July-                Plant: beets, broccoli, bush beans, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, peas, radishes, spinach for fall harvest (Teacher & Families)
                        Harvest: Garlic July 4 (Teacher & Families)
                        Roses: 1st fertilize spray            15th: Fish oil spray (Teacher & Parents)

August-            Plant: Loose leaf lettuce (before the 15th, cauliflower by 8/1/ for harvest next Spring (Families)
                        Harvest  (Families)
                        Roses: 1st fertilize, spray.  Cold water spray for spider mites. (Teachers & Parents)

September-      Plant: Garlice, shallots, endive, corn salad. (Families)
                        Harvest (Families)
                        Clean up (Teacher & Families)

October-          Plant: Cover Crops  (Teacher & Families)
                        Harvest (Families & Teachers)
                        Cut roses back to tidy (to 40” for hybrid teas)  (Teachers & Parents)
                        Clean up and mulch, build compost pile  (Teachers & Families)
                        Set up green house

November-      Final Harvest, clean up, mulch (Teacher & Families)
                        Clean up: hoses and garden tools  (Teacher & Families)

December-      Cover faucets  (Teachers & Families)
                        Leaf pile delivery  (Teachers)
                        Roses: dormant spray (Teachers & Parents)

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